Lines of Action

The main objective of education, is not only that our boys and girls develop mentally and intellectually, and have the best grades, but also help them discover their greater personal talent, their skills and natural talents, so that they can truly be happy and learn to properly manage their emotions, resolve their internal conflicts and heal the wounds in their soul

The Foundation’s activities are part of the institutional lines of action that are:



Accompany the vulnerable population groups in their communities, including families, adults, children, and adolescents at risk, to identify their needs and support their linkage with the system and local support networks in Bogota and Manizales. 

Re-Establishing Rights

Re-Establishing Rights

This consists of the immediate coverage of basic needs from the areas of health, nutrition and education and the provision of comprehensive care services at the locations where our programs operate.

Healing Wounds

Healing Wounds

It refers to the personalized psychosocial intervention of each NNA, to help each of them cope with their situation and to overcome the problems that generated their admission to our program. This is done through the tools of the SER methodology contained in the MYP, with the purpose of healing the wounds of the soul from the dimension of body, mind and spirit and developing processes of mourning and forgiveness at a personal, family and social level. 

Facilitating Personal Development

Facilitating Personal Development

Consists of educating in values, strengthening the protective factors that prevent situations of violence and promote the development of talents and life skills that allow them to chart the path of their life project from the identification of their dreams. 

Supporting and Strengthening Families

Supporting and Strengthening Families

We work on strengthening affective dynamics and links with family and support networks with the aim of generating protective factors in the family nucleus that guarantee the exercise of their rights and responsibilities.  

Preparing their departure

Preparing their departure

Here, we accompany the social inclusion of our young adults so that they can develop an independent, autonomous and sustainable life project after completing their process at the Foundation.
